Monday, February 28, 2011

February highlights

Breakfast time
 Almost done
 Julia found a crazy, creative place to put her doll
 At a park in Beaumont
 Enjoying the slide
 Over and over again
 while Mommy feeds Bradyn his lunch
 Julia peeking out of the playground
 Having fun
 Riding the horse
 A house in Beaumont we were considering buying,
that was right across the street from this park.
Didn't work out, but it sure was a nice home.
 A place we stopped to take pictures
 Julia running around
 Bradyn clapping his hands
 First bath not using the infant tub, enjoying the water spout
clapping his hands
smiling for Mommy
 playing with the duck and hippopotamus 
My favorite one of how the water looks
 Julia came and sat down by her brother to watch tv

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Daddy's favorite weekend activity

Just kidding, but Julia enjoys being outdoors with Daddy
 It's a lot of work to shovel almost 2 feet of snow
 Julia is just enjoying eating the snow.
 Our buried vehicles! Can you see my Mickey Mouse antenna topper? 

Bradyn- 36 weeks