Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 2012 Memories

Happy New Year!
Julia at the Keneaster's
Bradyn at the Keneaster's

Can you spot Bradyn in the background?
Aunt Joy and Bradyn
Julia and Aunt Joy
Julia really loves stuffed animals right now, 
especially at Grandma's home

Julia really fell asleep like this

January 4th- Julia turns 3 and a 1/2
Being Goofy

Funny face
Julia and Daddy

She picked out her earrings 

Playing with Daddy's Magnetix
New toys are fun

Bradyn, hiding behind the chair

A craft from our Thursday Bible study
Bradyn is 19 months

watching a movie

Julia, baking with Mommy
National Chocolate Cake Day
our bundt pan
Bradyn found Daddy shoes and he is so proud to wear them.
walking down the hall
Julia wants to show off Daddy' shoes too
Bradyn playing Daddy's Gameboy
He just thought this was the best thing ever