Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bradyn- 45 weeks

Bradyn got his first haircut today!

This is before the haircut
 combed and ready to trim off that horrible Mohawk
 trimming Bradyn's hair
Bradyn with a puff in his mouth, after the haircut
 Clean cut!
 Side view
 Top view
 Front view
 Happy little man

April fun!

 Swinging at a local park
 on the firetruck
 driving with 2 steering wheels
 climbing! even Bradyn tried
 going up!
 sliding down!
 Julia and Aunt Brooke
 at the top
 new slide
 just snacking!
 sharing with Bradyn!
 oh, these are yummy!
 putting on lip balm, after a bath
 Julia loves lip balm
 Bradyn loving the bath!
 Mommy's little helper
 Just because!
 swinging with Daddy's help
 pushing Bradyn
 Julia fell asleep right here in front of the heater vent
 hanging out with Mommy
 my little Loves
 Julia and Kit Kittredge
 Bradyn with toys
 Julia raking out front
 Bradyn says, "can I help?" 
 Julia loves our dog
 a hug for Jasmine
 a kiss for Julia
 kisses for Bradyn
 Bradyn loves dogs too
 at the Keneaster's home, out front

 Julia loves to play in parked vehicles...this one is Grandma's
 swinging on our front porch

 Bradyn, watching Julia in her swing

 silly boy
 funny face
 at the Bunyea's
 excited about her new gifts

 out front
 watering the plants
 happy baby!

 playing with a new toy

 loving the water
 all smiles!
 having a blast