Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 2012 Memories

A Disney Princess Day!
Julia having a tea party with 
Cinderella, Mulan, Tiana, Ariel and Aurora
 Bradyn is pouring the tea
 Julia adores her brother
 Munching on Marshmallows
 while watching Little Mermaid II
 on our way to Bible study
Red and Pink because Valentine's Day is coming up soon
 Having another tea party

 Julia at ballet
 She loves dance
 mommy made a mistake on her tights, oops!
 Time to tap dance

 choose a partner
 just finished dance class
 getting a stamp from her instructor
 proud of her Star Paper
 at Grandma & Grandpa's watching tv
Julia went and sat right next to Bradyn on her own

 On Valentine's Day, we had to miss the MOPS playdate.  
I thought after 4 days, Bradyn's fever would be gone,
but it wasn't, so we stayed home.  They still got to have
a little fun.  Grandma sent gifts for them to open
specifically on this day.  I didn't bother to wrap them;
I just put a blanket on top of the gifts, as you can see below.
 Julia is ready to see what it is
 Here are their reactions to the gifts
 Julia got a car that goes with her dollhouse.
Bradyn got a fire station to go with his train.
 Bradyn loves fire trucks
 Julia is waiting patiently for Mommy to open it for her
 excited to play with a new toy
 Happy Valentine's Day Grandma!
Thank you for the gifts.
 Enjoying Jelly Belly jelly beans from Grandma
 while watching a Valentine's Day movie.
They watched Winnie the Pooh Valentine for You
and Mickey and Minnie's Sweetheart Stories
 Mommy put Bradyn on the toilet and totally forgot.
OOPS!  I guess unrolling the whole roll of toilet paper
is something to do, when you're bored.
Valentine's cards from Great Grandpa, Shu Shu and Julia's friend, Evan
Jeff got me a nice 8x10 frame and I got him candy.
 Julia enjoys her time on starfall
 She has really learned so much from this website
 happy for her computer time
 getting ready to choose something new from Starfall
 tv time
 Jeff is converting Bradyn's crib to a toddler bed
 Bradyn wants to help and has his tools out
 trying to take out a screw or bolt
 Bradyn is excited for his new bed.
He is almost 20 months here, and this is the same age
Julia was when she went to the toddler bed.
 He seems so happy
 almost time for bed
 He still gets his milk
 fast problem
 Grandma and Grandpa Bunyea are visiting
 Grandma B. and Bradyn
 Another day of dance
 Julia is in line with her dance friends
 Time for Tap now
 warming up for tap
 Julia's favorite partner
 They love this part
 Bradyn at home, underneath a table
Bradyn playing with Daddy's R2-D2
 covering R2 with blankets
 where did R2 go?
 Bradyn, 20 months old
 Julia playing with her dollhouse 
 Bradyn hugging R2
 Bradyn is up high on a step stool
 Jeff is through with the rock design in our front yard
 Jeff installed sprinklers for future plants
 Time to calm down and watch a movie, 
after Julia got hurt.  She slipped and fell on the tile
and had a deep wound above her eye
 a butterfly bandage wouldn't stick, 
due to where Julia's cut was
 Bradyn attempting t-ball
 He likes to hold the bat with one hand

 Daddy and Bradyn
 Daddy and Daughter
 Bradyn's idea of fun
 Happy about something???
 Julia's stealing Bradyn's idea of fun
 what kids sit so close to the tv?
 eating lunch at the island.  Bradyn isn't too far behind her.
 Bradyn's lunch at the table